Ecole Moser in Nyon

Ecole Moser in Nyon

A new open-air campus, to perfect the educational experience and reconnect with nature

After many years based in a building at the Combe shopping centre in Nyon, Ecole Moser, which has long been a landmark in the city, will move to new premises for the start of the school year in August 2024. It will take up residence on a brand new campus which answers all its needs at every level and can accommodate students from 1P class (age 4 years) up to the Swiss maturité exam or double diploma (maturité + international baccalaureate ((IBDP)).

An educational vision that goes beyond teaching

The school’s visionary head teacher, Alain Moser, has always been convinced of the importance of open-air schooling to enable students to acquire and develop aptitudes and skills such as autonomy, responsibility, creativity, freedom, determination, cooperation and self-confidence. He spent several years searching for the ideal space, one that would allow him to expand the school and make his educational plans a reality while remaining in the district of Nyon.

A unique campus for education by and among nature

The new campus will open in Signy Park, in the midst of a magnificent 8,300 square metre wooded plot. This moment has long been anticipated by staff and the parents of current students as well as those wishing to enrol their children.
Some 7,500 square metres of buildings will house three learning centres - each of more than 120 square metres. These will be modular spaces with two to three classrooms per level and two sumptuous school restaurants as well as an ultra-modern gymnasium and sports fields. The large green spaces will allow the pupils in the primary section to be taught in the open air, in the summer, with more than 200 activities related to the French-speaking part of the curriculum taking place within the framework of the open-air school. Reconnecting with nature means learning in a calm, serene environment conducive to the development of concentration and imagination. It will also give a boost to the commitment of teachers and staff and improve everyone’s well-being.

The full package

Thanks to the different types of amenities at its new campus, Ecole Moser will be able to offer a complete package from August 2024, developing disciplines that struggle for space in the current premises, such as sport, art and science. The main building, designed for 600 students, will also be able accommodate all the staff required to manage the lessons and the equipment to the optimum level.

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Ecole Moser Nyon
4-6 Avenue Reverdil, 1260 Nyon
Tél. +41 (0)22 593 88 88.